Cannabis Cup 2015 in Denver Seemed to have sampling galore, but no take home samples
By Eric Gorski The Denver Post
Sunday, April 20, 2014 – 5:39 p.m.
People smoke pot as the clock strikes 4:20 during the 420 Rally at Civic Center Park in Denver, Colorado on April 20, 2014. ( Seth McConnell, The Denver Post )
In the vast outdoor weed fair that is part of the High Times Cannabis Cup, Cat Jordan of Colorado Springs walks among the stalls, cradling her new water pipe.
The pipe has a pink bowl piece and an illustration of a dragon. It set her back $20, “a good price,” she says. Jordan, a 22-year-old waitress, is among friends — thousands of them.
“It’s just nice to see for yourself how many of us smoke,” Jordan said, techno music blaring and the sun beating down midday Sunday. “It’s obviously important to a lot of people’s lives.”
That much was obvious at the sold-out event at the Denver Merchandise Mart, which featured as the main draw an outdoor expo in the parking lot where marijuana companies offered samples to anyone 21 or over, or those 18 and over carrying valid Colorado medical marijuana cards.
“We’re just trying to make everyone happy,” said Ryan Luck, an assistant manager at the Medicine Man in Denver, which was handing out hits from marijuana strains it had entered in the competition that gives the event its name. “People are looking out for each other. It’s a community. We’re trying to keep it positive.”
Women in purple wigs handed out purple kush. Stalls sold “Legalized It” T-shirt in the color scheme of the Colorado flag. Vape pens — a method for consuming marijuana without smoking it — were as prevalent as cell phones.
The tremendous amount of marijuana being consumed begged the question: How much is too much? Jordan said as a general rule, she slows down when she starts to get very tired.
She said she had sampled about 10 dabs, a concentrated form of marijuana that is extremely potent. She “got excited” and tried too much early, then slowed down, she said. Marijuana, she said, helps with her anxiety and is safer than prescription drugs.
If those in attendance did overindulge, four ambulances sat parked on a side street just outside the southwest exit.
125,000 turn out for two-day 4/20 rally at Denver Civic Center
Estimated 125,000 turn out for two-day 4/20 rally in Civic Center
2015 Cannabis Cup Rocks!
High Times Cannabis Cup Truely is the trade show for an industry.
Bill Introduced in Texas on 03/02/2015 that would End Marijuana Prohibition if Passed
Billy Rahn- 03/03/2015 (As Seen on Leafly)
Yesterday, Rep. David Simpson (R-Longview) filed a bill that would bring an end to cannabis prohibition in Texas by striking all references to marijuana in the state’s statutes. The bill, which would regulate marijuana “like tomatoes, jalapeños, or coffee,” resonates with Republican ideals of minimal government and personal responsibility, and was appropriately introduced on Texas Independence Day. The bill could go into effect as soon as September 1, 2015.
“Current marijuana policies are not based on science or sound evidence, but rather misinformation and fear,” Rep. Simpson said. “All that God created is good, including marijuana.”
Yep, Simpson’s anti-prohibition alignment stems partly from his religious beliefs, a perspective published yesterday in an article titled “The Christian case for drug law reform.” Here, Simpson questions the moral basis of cannabis prohibition, demonstrating a capacity for compassion and humanitarianism rarely seen among politicians in the marijuana debate.
“Let’s allow the plant to be utilized for good—helping people with seizures, treating warriors with PTSD, producing fiber and other products—or simply for beauty and enjoyment,” Simpson said. “Government prohibition should be for violent actions that harm your neighbor—not of the possession, cultivation, and responsible use of plants.”
DC legalizes pot on February 26, 2015, ignoring House Republicans-
Marijuana’s D.C. landslide
In November, 70 percent of voters approved Initiative 71 to legalize marijuana. It takes effect Thursday, Feb. 26. The initiative passed in every precinct except one, where it failed by only nine votes. (Washington Post, By John Woodrow Cox February 28 at 2:05 PM)
Recreational Marijuana Legalized in DC, Oregon and Alaska
There are now 4 states which have legalized recreational marijuana, double the amount of states that had it just 2 days ago. Washington DC has also legalized marijuana recreationally, but may face tough resistance in the US Congress. Washington DC’s law is not absolute until it is approved by the US Senate, which now is a vast majority of Republicans, so this one is still up in the air.
Uraguayan President Says Colorado Has It Wrong link
By Noelle Crombie
Uruguay is hailed by marijuana advocates as a leader in pot policy, but a close look at details shows President Jose Mujica’s plan is more restrictive than Colorado’s approach to legal marijuana, AP reports.
Associated Press reporter Leonardo Haberkorn takes a look at the rules for marijuana sales in Uruguay. The rules go into effect Tuesday. Marijuana, under the new system, is expected to sell for less than a $1 a gram.
The state will sell five different strains, containing a maximum level of 15 percent THC, the substance that gets consumers high. Each bag will be bar-coded, radio-frequency tagged, and registered in a genetic database that will enable authorities to trace its origin and determine its legality, Canepa said. The rules limit licensed growers to six plants per household — not per person, as some pot enthusiasts had hoped. And while people who buy in pharmacies will be identified by fingerprint readers to preserve their anonymity, every user’s pot consumption will be tracked in a government database.
Mujica predicted that many will call him an elderly reactionary once they see this fine print, but he says his government never intended to create a mecca for marijuana lovers.
“No addiction is good,” he said. “We aren’t going to promote smokefests, bohemianism, all this stuff they try to pass off as innocuous when it isn’t. They’ll label us elderly reactionaries. But this isn’t a policy that seeks to expand marijuana consumption. What it aims to do is keep it all within reason, and not allow it to become an illness.”
Genius Girl Scout Sets Up Cookie Stand Next to Pot Shop link
This is the true essence of entrepreneurship! If there is marijuana4sale, bring cookies.
Denver vs. Seattle in Superbowl 48, Coincidentally Both Teams From Recreational Marijuana States
Either way, recreational marijuana wins in this match up! It seems like a trend for the future. has Relocated Its Online Directory Headquarters to Denver, Colorado.
Due to legal landscape changes and the legalization of Marijuana for Recreational use and Retail sale, has decided to relocate its headquarters to Denver, Colorado. These changes are effective January 1, 2014.
One Pot Arrest every 42 seconds in the US
I guess we need a ton of jail cells.
NFL’s Aldon Smith Arrested for Marijuana Possession
NFL Players are always in pain and have tons of money. What do we expect from these guys. Just don’t drive the car while doing it or you get a DUI.
Buying Contraband on the Internet with Bitcoins
Bitcoin Used to Buy Drugs on the Internet(Video)
The former Website was seized by the Feds this past week. A move I personally applaud. Follow the laws people. Go to Colorado or Washington to have fun.
Silk Road Seized
Drug dealing website shuttered.
Colorado Medical Pot Lobby Seeks Denver Ban on Industry’s Outdoor Ads

Colorado’s main medical-marijuana lobby is pushing Denver’s City Council to ban outdoor advertising, such as billboards and sign-flippers, for such businesses across the city in an effort to further legitimize the industry.
“We see this as a necessary step to clean up the industry,” said Michael Elliott of the Medical Marijuana Industry Group, a trade association representing more than 50 businesses. “The justification for a complete ban of outdoor advertising (for medical marijuana) is to prevent the encouragement of nonqualifying patients to use” the product.
The council is considering a bill to outlaw outdoor advertising for medical-marijuana centers 1,000 feet from schools, day-care centers, parks and recreation centers. But council members may look at a citywide ban instead.
“I was trying to look at doing something that was reasonable and something that I knew could withstand a court challenge and was focused on the kids,” said Councilwoman Debbie Ortega, who is sponsoring the legislation.
Ortega asked the medical-marijuana groups to come together on a citywide ordinance.
“Are you willing to support this and move forward?” she asked the groups gathered at a council committee meeting Wednesday. “If you all could get on the same page, I would be more than willing to work with you on a citywide ban.”
Ortega has crafted the ordinance from the federal tobacco-advertising laws. The ordinance’s purpose, she said, would be to reduce use and possession by minors.
Norton Arbelaez, a board member of the Medical Marijuana Industry Group, said medical-marijuana advertising is not protected free speech under the First Amendment because the product is illegal under federal law.
“In order to qualify for the protection of free speech, you have to say something legal,” he said. “This is a substance that is against federal law. Because its status is illegal; it doesn’t qualify for First Amendment protections under federal law.”
Denver Assistant City Attorney David Broadwell said he was surprised that Arbelaez is basing his argument on the fact that marijuana is illegal under federal law.
Arbelaez reviewed laws in other states and cities. Vermont and Montana, for example, prohibit any medical-marijuana advertising. In San Francisco, advertising requires a disclaimer, saying medical marijuana can be used only for medical purposes. Boulder prohibits advertising that promotes medical marijuana for recreational use.
Arbelaez said 89,646 patients, about 1.75 percent of Colorado’s population, are on the registry to obtain medical marijuana. Nearly 14,000 of those patients live in Denver. He said since cannabis is legal for such a small percentage of people, it doesn’t make sense to advertise to the general population.
He showed a photo of a sign-spinner spotted Wednesday morning at West 44th Avenue and Lowell Boulevard, saying that kind of advertising hurts the legitimacy of the business.
Shawn Coleman, director of the Cannabis Business Alliance, said he is in favor of banning the advertising around schools but not citywide. He said such a ban would be a slippery slope that could endanger the entire industry.
“People might say if you can’t advertise your business, you shouldn’t have them at all,” he said.
One dispensary owner said outdoor advertising is necessary because competition is so tough these days.
“Every day, it is difficult to get people in my doors when there are as many dispensaries as Starbucks in this city,” said Toni Fox, owner of 3-D Denver’s Discreet Dispensary at Interstate 70 and Brighton Boulevard.
Last summer, she employed a sign-spinner for about a month but decided it wasn’t worth the cost. She now places signs near the street.
“Are they going to ban sign spinning for all the other businesses that do it?” she asked. “I come into work every day, and I see sign-spinners for computer repair, cellphone shops.”
Jeremy P. Meyer: 303-954-1367 or
Denver Dispensaries shut down
All targeted Colorado marijuana dispensaries near schools shut down, Feds say
Posted: 02/28/2012 01:00:00 AM MST
February 29, 2012 3:47 AM GMT Updated: 02/28/2012 08:47:41 PM MST By John Ingold
The Denver
Indispensary employee Brian Balliett reaches into the near-empty shelves of the Indispensary”s Bijou Street medical marijuana dispensary Sunday evening, February 26, 2012. The dispensary closed its doors Sunday amid a federal threat of criminal prosecution or seizure. (GAZETTE | Mark Reis)Related
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Colorado regulators shut marijuana dispensary as Earth’s Medicine owners face federal charges Federal prosecutors today announced that all of the Colorado medical-marijuana dispensaries targeted for operating near schools have halted marijuana sales as demanded.
Prosecutors sent the letters to certain dispensaries within 1,000 feet of schools last month, warning them to close or face criminal or civil punishment. It was the most aggressive action yet by federal authorities against businesses that are legal under state law but illegal under federal law.
Letters went to 23 dispensaries and to their landlords. Owners of 22 dispensaries have since decided to shutter those targeted locations — either moving or closing for good. A letter to one dispensary was rescinded after it was determined that the school building nearby was not currently being used to educate children, the U.S. Attorney’s office said in an announcement.
Drug Enforcement Administration agents checked every dispensary for compliance with the letters. According to the announcement, agents entered five stores after being unable to tell whether the stores were closed. They determined those businesses had stopped selling marijuana.
“The closure of the targeted dispensaries today,” new Colorado DEA Special Agent in Charge Barbra M. Roach said in a statement, “will make those affected schools more secure for our children and teachers throughout the State of Colorado.”
Colorado U.S. Attorney John Walsh has said he wants to remove dispensaries from around schools because he is worried about increased youth use of marijuana and the impact the businesses have on kids’ attitudes toward the drug. Federal law contains enhanced penalties for people who sell drugs within 1,000 feet of a school.
“These stores were closed without incident,” Walsh said in a statement. “This effort is about protecting children from illegal drugs, and maintaining drug free zones around our schools in compliance with federal law.”
Prosecutors intend to send letters to more dispensaries that are within 1,000 feet of a school “soon,” according to today’s announcement.
John Ingold: 303-954-1068 or
Read more: All targeted Colorado marijuana dispensaries near schools shut down, Feds say – The Denver Post
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